Whether your Mac has an old-school spinner or high-capacity Fusion Drive, it could always stand to gain a little extra room. Even if you don’t obsessively download all 3 installments of back to the Future, there are countless ways for your hard drive to get filled up with stuff you don’t need anymore much of it buried in deep, dark folders you never see.
From clearing caches to deleting old mail attachments and forgotten files, a little diligence can go a long way toward keeping that precious space clear. But if you don’t have the time or patience to run maintenance scripts and root out browser caches, then head on to the MAC App store and get yourself a copy of Daisy disk.
Daisy disk is one of the most powerful utilities you’re likely to find. With a remarkably intuitive interface that breaks your drive down into easily digestible chunks, Daisy Disk will give you an exhaustive overview of your drive, letting you explore your files in a novel way.
If you’re looking for full-fledged disk inspector, Daisy Disk is an easy recommendation with combining good looks and intuition into a superior package. Its mix of text and visuals made it a pleasure to use, especially when hunting for specific files. And while each of its peers mapped an old OS X disk installation file that was eating up 5GB of space, only Daisy Disk brought it to my attention. If you are looking for a Cache cleaning companion for Daisy disk then Disk App is the way to go.
Its pie chart-inspired interface brings an elegance and ease of use that’s hard to beat, and it’s even quicker than running maintenance tasks using Cocktail or Onyx. In fact, disk-cleaning junkies might consider it as the ultimate companion to Daisy Disk.
This story, was originally published by Macworld.