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CISCO’s cloud traffic projection

cloudprojectionAccording to the CISCO Global Cloud Index, cloud data center traffic will exceed 14 zettabytes in 2020. A 262 percent increase from 2015.

The report projects that 92% of all workloads will be processed in the cloud by 2020 and data center traffic to reach 15.3ZB per year.

SaaS workloads will grow from 65 percent of total cloud workloads to 74 percent by 2020. IaaS will drop from 26 to 17 percent and PaaS will drop from 9 to 8.

Enterprises’ share of workloads to decrease, while consumers’ share will rise. The enterprise share will be buoyed by big data and IoT workloads. While data center traffic is growing, architectural innovations like software-defined networking and network function virtualization are streamlining it. 

The density of workloads per server is forecast to grow from 7.3 to 11.9 by 2020. The Middle East and Africa will lead in data center traffic growth, with a 34 percent CAGR, but will still be only 451 exabytes in 2020. North Amercian cloud data center traffic is expected to grow by 27 percent, from 2.2 ZB to 7.1 ZB in 2020.

The Internet (IoE) will generate 600 ZB of data by 2020, but hardly more than 6 ZB of that will be stored.

Click here to read the full CISCO Global Cloud Index